About Us

Exceptional Virtual Assistant Service

Virtual Assistant, Virtual Secretary, Remote Secretary... I've been called a lot of things in my business 😉

Before starting my practice in 1997, I worked for over 10 years supporting busy executives in Corporate America with a heavy concentration in sales and marketing and office management.

I have been a Virtual Assistant for over 20 years back when the term virtual assistant and the idea of remote employees was unheard of.  

In 2000 I joined IVAA.  IVAA is the most respected Virtual Assistant organization in the industry.  I volunteered as a board member, I have held the IVAA CVA (Certified Virtual Assistant) designation as well as the CRESS (Certified Real Estate Support Specialist).

In addition, I have been very active in the Virtual Assistant community as a Virtual Assistant Coach and currently coach VAs at The 30 Day VA

The Virtual Secretary - virtual assistant Anna Jones
Anna Jones

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the 30 day virtual assistant online training course - virtual assistant training to start your virtual assistant business in 30 days

Start a Virtual Assistant Business

Want to work from home?  Have you ever thought about how to start a virtual assistant business but you weren’t quite sure how to start?  The 30 Day VA is an online, on-demand virtual assistant training course that will show you how to start a virtual assistant business in 30 days or less!